New General Manager for ARODO GmbH | ARODO Total Bag-Handling
From sole trader to top-5 player on the market
What started as a one-man show in an office measuring 3 metres by 4, has grown over the years to become a fine company with 5 employees in the sales and internal department and 2 technicians. Norbert Pilger was already the ideal man to fill the position of business manager for ARODO GmbH in 1994. He saw the opportunities that the German market offered for ARODO’s activities, and steadily developed the GmbH to become the significant player that it is today. ARODO has long been known in Germany in the packaging industry and the world of bag filling machines. The most important sectors are agriculture, feed and food, while construction is now also seeing an expanding clientele.

An attentive ear as the basis for good cooperation
The secret behind the success? The individual approach and an attentive ear. Advising customers and offering them an optimal solution: that has always been the mission of Norbert Pilger. The customer must feel that he has been understood and can be offered a real solution to his specific request. Only in this way can a sound basis for good cooperation be created. The approach benefits everyone: you can see that by the continuous increase in the number of requests, references, recommendations and returning satisfied customers.

What the future will bring
Now Stephan Pilger is at the helm at ARODO GmbH, he is continuing the good work of his predecessor. He is excellently equipped to continue the upward trend with the experience he has built up over the past 10 years. And neither is there any lack of motivation: just like his father he always puts the wishes of the customer at the forefront. Because only in this way can you offer the optimal packaging machine that meets the expectations of the customer.

And how does Norbert Pilger see his future? “Retiring does not mean just sitting back, but calmly moving forwards. That is my motto for the future!” So time to enjoy some long nature walks, preferably in the Dolomites or to explore Alpines passes with the Roadster. The whole ARODO team wishes him every pleasure!

Norbert will continue to support the team in the background in the role of Sales & Product Support.


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