Mobile service app for our field staff technicians | Arodo
Mobile service app for our field staff technicians

Arodo has already been a synonym for excellent service and technical support for 30 years. After all, the purchase and installation of a packaging machine is not the end of the matter. Our mission is to guarantee the result you want with the optimal performance of the machines. To achieve this, we have a professional team of technicians and helpdesk staff available 24/7 for our customers worldwide. Should there be a fault, a maintenance requirement or the need for extra parts, our technicians are promptly out on the road. We have now rolled out a mobile service app to enable our field service personnel to work with even greater efficiency.

FMP360 for optimal performance

Our field staff technicians are a team of about 25 people. Organising and planning their work is a matter that should not be underestimated. And on top of all that there was the transfer of project info on paper, manually writing reports after the work, notification of the parts used, etc. So, a lot of manual and duplicate work with the likelihood of errors. There had to be a better way. 

“During our field staff activities, giving the right information to the right people at the right time is a constant challenge”, explains Marcel Michiels, service team manager. “The management instructed us to go in search of a solution for the field service, and we came into contact with Gomocha and their FMP306 field mobile portal. It is a modern platform with which work processes can be simply created and changed on a customer-specific basis. It can also be used for various types of servicing activities such as installation, fault rectification, maintenance, inspection or overhauls.”

Automation and efficiency win the day

So now there is no more info on paper, but orders and registrations by smartphone. Our technicians each have their own appliance and FMP360 account. They then see the planned orders on the app, along with customer details, specifications of the machine involved, parts they have to take along and the vehicle they must use. 

After the journey (that also is registered) the work can start. The details of the activities, any faults, material that has to be (additionally) ordered, follow-up work, hours worked and parts, etc. – the technician shares all the information with Arendonk real-time using the app in no time at all. The parts used are scanned, and in the warehouse they can immediately see which parts have been used and how the vehicle has to be replenished. All information simply arrives at the internal department for checking before being passed on for invoicing. Gomocha also took care of integration with our ERP system Isah, so aspects including stock management and invoicing are now also centralised. So, automation and efficiency win the day. 

Acting faster

One big advantage of the app is real-time communication between technician, warehouse and planning. “We can now act faster”, concludes Bart Vercauteren, service engineer. “We can plan with greater precision using a track & trace module. We have a clear picture of when a technician departs for a customer. If another customer then has an acute problem and one of our technicians is in the vicinity we are on scene quicker than ever.”

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