New General Director Joost Van Aaken | Arodo
A solid basis

Improving Arodo’s performance for the customer every day, that was Marianne’s mission when in 2013 she was appointed to set out the company’s general policy. Or call them building blocks for constant growth, with a strong focus on the customer and employees. It is all indeed a matter of interplay. Optimising business processes while structuring a flexible organisation is simply not possible without the development of talent. 

“We have invested at every level in the past years”, explains Marianne. “Some examples are our efforts regarding Industry 4.0, automation with a new ERP system, digitisation with online media, the further training of employees, and the recruitment of new talent. Together with our team I have striven to create a solid basis for the future.”

Creating added value

“I already had a very clear sense of this basis during my settling in period”, continues Joost. “An excellent start has been made on even further fine-tuning the product portfolio to match the demands of the customer. With my technical background and experience as a project manager and having taken up supervisory positions at international companies, I want to further development the connection between the market, technology and projects.”

This involves technical insight, and that’s something that Joost excels in. “But a director must steer clear of technical matters, let’s just say I speak their language”, adds Joost. “Arodo has a strong R&D department that has already launched pioneering developments in the sector, including a unique AROVAC vacuuming system. We have to keep working on this pioneering role. And I have every confidence in this.” 

According to Joost, this each time comes down to making the translation of what the customer wants. Turnaround time, production, first-class quality and service, these are constant points for attention. This being teamwork is also a priority for Joost. “I want to give our people space to work on innovative solutions”, he continues. “Then we can together be proud of each Arodo machine and each customer. Creating added value for everyone, that’s my aim.”

International opportunities

Joost talks with a technical accent, but also brings strategic and commercial experience and a large network along with him. As a doer he is used to keeping a close eye on affairs and taking steps ahead. He is convinced that there are still very many international opportunities available to the sales team. He also wishes to play his part here. And finally: analysing and making adjustments based on events, because that’s something a director must do just as well. 

Marianne will be taking early retirement on 19 April 2019. There has been an ample transition period and Joost is ready for the job. It will be busy and challenging, he realises that as a father of three children. But he’s now joining another pleasant family. And Marianne? “Time for the two of us, travelling, playing sport, reading and maybe other studies and voluntary work… building up another network and enjoying things that we had too little time for before”, she concludes. We are certain that she will continue her new activities with the same inspired drive.

Good luck, Joost! Enjoy, Marianne!

Would you like to get to know Joost? Contact us.


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