Fast and flexible service call-out at Mapei Latina | Arodo
Less production stress

The Mapei Group has been in existence since 1970, and is a world leader in adhesives and chemical products for the construction industry with establishments spanning the five continents. We are proud and happy that we have already been serving Mapei for many years. In America and Italy we have already supplied a number of bag vacuuming stations with pioneering AROVAC technology to package products based on vacuum technology. Should something ever go wrong, Mapei can always count on us. 

We recently received a failure notification from Mapei in Latina. It would involve a problem with communication between the PLC and a remote island. From the diagnose it appeared that the island’s interface module was probably sometimes not working properly. This meant that production was regularly stopped. So logical that production stress was the order of the day. 

Strong service

In such a case it all comes down to acting quickly. Just sending an interface module would not offer the required certainty, so one of our field service engineers took a flight that very same evening … and got straight down to work the next morning. Fortunately, we at Arodo always have the necessary parts in stock, and could roughly estimate beforehand where exactly in the machine the problem had originated.

Our field service engineer replaced the interface module and Profibus connector. He also carried out a software update, so in the future we could remotely see where any faults may have occurred in detail. Finally, he also installed and configured an eWON industrial router to get machine data and fault information to us better and faster. Mapei is still working with a dial-up modem so the connection is very slow. With eWON we can completely and securely take control of the appliances (display and PLC). Mapei in Latina will look at actually using eWON at a later stage. Many customers of ours already do, and technical support is then provided much more efficiently.

The next morning our field service engineer finally carried out an extra check to be certain that everything was working excellently, and that was indeed the case. Mapei was satisfied, so we were too. 

A fault in a packaging machine? Need maintenance? Need extra parts? Call us!


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