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Suiker Unie opts for vacuum packaging from Arodo
To be the world's greenest, most innovative and most successful sugar beet processor, that is the Suiker Unie mission. They developed a new production line for powdered sugar at their speciality plant...
26 / 10 / 2018
Generation change at ARODO GmbH
This month ARODO is saying farewell to a cornerstone: Norbert Pilger – General Manager of ARODO GmbH in Buchholz (Germany) since 1994 – will shortly being embarking upon a well-earned retirement. ...
12 / 10 / 2018
October is trade fair month for Arodo – Meet us and our packaging technology
October is a busy trade fair month for Arodo. We are represented worldwide with our own stand at trade fairs for the packaging industry Solids Antwerp, Scanpack Gothenburg and Powtech India. Here we w...
27 / 09 / 2018
Product testing and trial packaging at Arodo
Our mission is to guarantee packaging machines with the ultimate result. That is why at Arodo we do everything possible to offer (potential) customers the best packaging solutions in line with their i...
24 / 09 / 2018
Deaerating products… always the perfect bag
The packaging process has an impact on the stacking, storage and shelf life of the product to be packaged. In the powdered milk and cement industry, for example, it is important that certain products ...
17 / 09 / 2018
Arodo at FachPack 2018 from 25 to 27 September, Nuremberg
From 25 to 27 September 2018 FachPack in Nuremberg will be the point of rendezvous for the packaging industry. This European trade fair for packaging, processes and technology will see the assembly of...
11 / 09 / 2018
“The packing industry is constantly evolving! Arodo wants to play a pioneering role in the field of packaging solutions according to requirements. We will be happy to keep you up to date on the latest developments in our newsletter.”

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