EHEDG surface treatment with RVS Finish | Arodo Total Bag-Handling
Finishing stainless steel parts

RVS Finish has all the necessary expertise in-house for finishing stainless steel products. A high level of finishing is guaranteed with 4 blasting rooms, a grinding department measuring 1,500 m2 and a class 5 clean room. The team conceived the Fine Finish® dry blasting process, a process unique in the world. They also serve their customers with glass bead sandblasting, grinding, automatic blasting, clean room cleaning, polishing and assembly work. The medical sector, machine building, mechatronics and the food industry are just some of the sectors that have already been trusting in the quality from RVS Finish for decades. We have also already been working with them for many years for the corrosion-proof blasting of machine parts and complete machines.

“We meet all standards relating to surface treatments, including the requirements for the hygienic processing of products in the foodstuffs and pharmaceutical industry”, explains Driek Brouwers, business manager at RVS Finish. “We are constantly working on optimising our processes, resulting in increasingly lower R-values, for example. This ensure that the hygiene and cleanability of (semi-manufactured) goods offers added value for our customers.”

Surface treatment for the food drinks industry

The knowledge at RVS Finish is a boon for us. As soon as the construction work of the packaging machines and parts is finished, we bring RVS Finish in to take care of finishing, being blasting and grinding to eliminate roughness. For packaging lines for the food sector, it is of great importance that all parts that come into contact with food are guaranteed to be free of all soiling and microbial contamination, and that the machines can be thoroughly cleaned. The added value from RVS Finish with this type of project is great for us because they are a specialist in surface treatment for the food industry.

“We do this in line with the EHEDG (European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group)” guidelines, says Driek. “Arodo first and foremost ensures that the engineering of the parts and process equipment meets the standards, and we do the same for smoothness of the finish.” After treatment the parts go back to Arendonk for assembly. 

In the pipeline? Among other things, a complete AROVAC packaging line for packaging calcium carbonate in PE bags that then have to be hermetically sealed. The product is in a situation with much air. The EHEDG surface treatment certainly contributes to guaranteeing an extremely hygienic packaging process.

Would you like to know more about packaging machines for food industry? Contact us!


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