FAQs at the service department | Arodo Total Bag-handling
Remote support and service

« Can you take a look at what the problem is with the machine? »

Our service department receives questions or reports about malfunctions. Thanks to advanced technology we can usually look at, monitor and rectify malfunctions remotely. This works best if it is opted to build the (Arodo standard) eWON industrial router into the packaging machine. The big advantage of this software compared to e.g. a dial-up modem is that we can more efficiently monitor machine data and malfunctions. With eWON we can completely and securely take control of appliances (display, PLC - programmable logical controller). For you as a customer this means we more quickly gain a picture of the actual problem in the machine and come up with a fitting solution sooner.

Preventive maintenance

« What is the average wear period of your packaging machines? »
« What is the service interval? »

If a part is actually broken we arrive on-site. This is usually on the same day. With service call-outs abroad we also act quickly and ensure that our field service engineer is soon on-site. Wear depends on the machine and the product. This is no more than logical, because some packaging lines run 8 hours a day, and others 24 hours a day. Wear cannot be prevented, but experience has taught us that preventive maintenance is of great value: better reliability, less downtime, value retention, etc. Do you put maintenance off until malfunctions cause an urgent problem, or do you opt for the preventive method?

At Arodo we will be pleased to plan a preventive maintenance schedule for you according to a set plan without any surprises. Scheduled maintenance ensures better continuity for maintenance and also for production throughout the year. Because we use the same technician for your maintenance to the extent possible, he/she will build up a better understanding of the needs of your machines. You choose the service interval in consultation with Arodo. We then usually visit you once a year for general maintenance at a time that fits in best with your production activities. For some of our customers that is in the summer, for others during the last weeks of the year. 

Practical packaging line questions

« Do you have everything in stock or must we keep a stock ourselves? »

We have most parts in stock, from cylinders, control units and photocells, to the most common motors for packaging machines. Replacement then takes place quickly. It is, however, useful to keep a stock of consumables such seal wires, suction cups, etc. yourself. 

« We want to run with other bags or use a different seal. Can we do that on this machine? »

If you want different bags or another form of seal, an extra investigation is desirable. We usually start by looking at the machine specifications so we know for what your machine was originally made. Then the issue is put to engineering and we test if the specific bag size is suitable. From sewn bags (with/without folding over) to a pinch seal? Ask us!

« We want a labeller, is this an option? »

Traceability is becoming increasingly important, in particular within the context of food safety. Adding a labeller to your installation may be a requirement here. A retro-fit in the right place in the machine is always among the options. Logging weights, error messages, etc. are also wishes we are increasingly encountering. We then sit down with your software engineers to examine how we can best set up the software. We always find a solution, you can rest assured of that.

Packaging machine malfunctions? Do you need maintenance work or parts? 

Whatever your question, contact our service department.


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