Our sales director with technical roots | Arodo Total Bag-handling
Our sales director with technical roots

Cooperating in confidence. Standing out in quality and service in line with the customer's needs. With a strong focus on technical innovation to be able to continue in a pioneering role. These are but a few core values that Frank Goris holds dear. He has already been working with heart and soul together with other colleagues for Arodo in different positions for 25 years. He continues the hard work, and that may be put in the spotlight for once…

A driven predecessor

After his industrial engineering education, Frank wanted to gain more knowledge and experience in the world of automation and machines. He did this for a year and a half at Arodo, to then broaden his mandate and as a project manager take on various projects in the automotive and heavy industry, both nationally and internationally. Some years later the path led back to Arodo. Frank was offered a management position and decided to go for it 100%. The tasks were initially highly diverse. From the service department, production planning to the technical side, Frank covered it all with great desire at the side of business manager Henk Mariën who passed away in 2017. 
“I worked for Henk with great pleasure for almost 25 years”, explains Frank. “I greatly appreciated him because of his approach. He was a highly competent man who won the confidence of the people around him, and that’s how he built up his company. He encouraged initiative. I want to use the same philosophy to further build on what Henk achieved.

Technical know-how as added value

Frank can fully deploy his expertise in his current position as a technical and commercial director. He mainly supervises the sales people at Arodo at home and abroad, but also assists in engineering at high level. Customers often have technical questions, and Frank is then the source of knowledge. He has always been closely involved in the development of the machines, and together with his colleagues has completed many innovative solutions for various sectors. He senses and sees opportunities in the market. Leading sales from a technical perspective also has its advantages! And in the meantime, Frank travels the continents to assist the representatives and customers in word and deed.

Team player

Frank is person-oriented manager. Working with people motivates him enormously, and he attaches great importance to honesty. “In a company with more than 100 employees it is important to listen to your people”, concludes Frank. “My wish is that everyone feels good at Arodo. We can then carry on standing out together.” Frank also enjoys the company of people in his private life. Being with his wife, two daughters and many friends makes him a happy man.

Whoever wants to speak with Frank in person is always welcome at Arodo! 


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