Service at Tielen Group | Arodo Total Bag-Handling

Service at Tielen Group

Cooperation lasting longer than 30 years. That is now the time of the association between Arodo and Tielen Group, and it is a source of pride for us. The family business from Dessel has already been offering a wide package of services to the transport and mineral sector for three generations. At their mixing plant they are today producing composite products including sand and grit according to the customer’s instructions. These are dry raw materials, so they also require specific packaging. But it all started with a lay flat tube machine…

The packaging challenge

Tielen Group originated from the transport sector, then increasingly started concentrating on commerce. The packaging of moist (and later dry) products for end clients was a part of this change of direction. Father Tielen had an in-house palletiser but needed a packaging line. He approached the founders of Arodo, who had supplied him with a custom-made machine around 1987/88. It was exactly what he needed, as such a machine could not be found on the market. It created a certain trust.

“Arodo’s 1st machine was an immediate success and truly innovative”, explains Tavi Tielen, current business manager at the Tielen Group. “We needed custom-made work, and Arodo was the only company to join us on our quest. In the course of time the 1st line was replaced by a new one, and growth and expansion led us to ask for a cement line in 2003.”

From prototype to three fully-fledged packaging lines 

Besides packaging some 35 moist products, Tielen Group also started packaging dry materials such as cement and cement mixtures. The bags needed to be packaged air-tight. That was not a problem for Arodo. There was already a prototype to vacuum-pack powdered products at the factory in Arendonk. The machine was moved to Tielen Group and testing could start. After around three years it was refurbished, and after a short while expanded with a palletiser, an aggregate line and a wrapper.

The prototype gradually evolved into a fully-fledged packaging line. In the meantime, Arodo continued to innovate and research to develop faster and more reliable vacuum packaging machines. The result was the AROVAC. As a result, Arodo is currently the only machine manufacturer in the world who can vacuum package products such as cement waterproof. Tielen Group reaped the benefits of this innovation and the AROVAC helped them to grow. There are now three packaging lines for dry and three for moist products. Designed, produced, installed and serviced by Arodo.

Quality and service

“It’s all very clear to us”, continues Tavi. “Arodo excels in product renewal, quality and service. They cooperate marvellously with the customer, and have the right employees in-house for support and assistance. We have witnessed the evolution at both our company and theirs, and have now been working together for 30 years. Arodo offers us certainty and guarantees. They continue to focus on the development of economical, even more cost-effective packaging solutions.”

Whoever would like to see the unique AROVAC system for vacuum packaging themselves should make an appointment at Arodo. The benefits are numerous (for food and non-food): no (micro)perforation required in the bag, water- and weather-resistant, no influence of humidity and oxygen, clean bags, no dust or odour nuisance. For use as a complete machine or as part of another one. 
We also have alternative solutions for packaging similar products in our range.

Contact us today!


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