Teamwork Arodo during Titan Run | Arodo Total Bag-Handling
Arodo takes on the challenge

The Titan Run is an annual obstacle course run in October along a unique route of 5 or 10 km in Lilse Bergen. It can in principle be done by anyone, but there is quite a lot of climbing and daredevilry involved. The menu includes hills with mud pools, a crawl through the mud, and an obstacle course through containers, woodlands and waterfall tubes.

“At Arodo colleagues sometimes join in (sporting) activities outside working hours, but the Titan Run was a first for us”, explains Wiet van Dongen, mechanical engineering team manager. “I made an announcement at the time in the canteen and we brought a group of 15 together, ready to go for victory in the legendary competition. Even our Danish representative got in on the act. We chose the 10 km version and just went for it.”

Achieving an aim together

The common thread throughout the Titan Run is teamwork. But that’s no problem for the people from Arodo. “Achieving an aim together is also something we have to do at work”, continues Wiet. “During the competition it all comes down to helping each other and waiting for each. It is also a question of conquering fear, as you don’t jump off a 6 metre-tall obstacle every day.”

After two hours of blood, sweat and tears it was all over. Despite the muddy conditions the colleagues crossed the finish with a wide smile. 

Was it fun? “Sure it was, and worth doing again. The nice thing is that you also get to know colleagues better who you otherwise don’t often see at work. The feeling of belonging together is good for team spirit.”

Wiet and the colleagues are thinking about taking part in the Titan Swim in the summer, this being a unique contest in water.

See the video of Arodo @ Titan Run here.

Also interested in being part of such a strong team? See the vacancies and apply to Arodo!


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